Wednesday, April 13, 2016

For The Frist Time Sex Storie

For The Frist Time  Sex  Storie
 by Thatguy120

First time intercourse story: For the primary time. Writer: Thatguy120. Out back, with the aid of the porch, I, my pal Jakob, and my other pal Matt all sat. We had a fire vicinity just off the porch and all of us sat around it, stoned out of our minds, staring into the fireplace, every of us notion about some thing “actually deep” or “so cool”. The story is such as of Fiction, Anal, Blowjob, Domination/submission, First Time, gay, teen Male / teenager Male, Threesome theme.

First time sex story

Howdy Josh, Matt stated.

What? I spoke back some seconds later, looking over at him.

What if the celebrities were just eyes looking us? He turned into looking straight up on the stars, searching a bit involved that they may simply be eyes.

Man, you’re simply trippin’. Calm your self.

Dude, i am calm.

Howdy, you guys. Jakob stated. “have a look at that.”

At what? All of us regarded around.

Do you no longer see it?! He asked us looking round.

See what?

This dick! He sprang up, flashing his half hard dick and waving it round.

Come on, guy, knock it off Matt and i said almost at the identical time. Jakob eventually pulled his shorts again up and sat down.

We sat silent for the longest time. It was almost nighttime now and the climate guy had said the rain become intended to begin round nighttime that night. I seemed up and each Matt and Jakob had been asleep. I went inside for a drink and a bag of chips, leaving them outdoor. My stoned mind instructed me it turned into a terrific concept to stay internal for a bit longer to relax away from the fire.

After ten minutes of sitting on the couch my mind clicked and jogged my memory that it became going to rain soon. But by the time I made it to the door, the rain had already started out. And it turned into beginning to pour down onto the two sleepers, waking them up with a start. Each yelling and swearing. I ran to the bathroom to get them towels.

After I were given again to the door, the had been both standing there shivering and their garments had been almost soaked all of the way via. I ought to see the faint outline of their crotches if I looked tough enough. I exceeded them the towels and that they thanked me. “in which had been you? You can have given us a warning approximately the rain.” Jakob scolded me.

I’m sorry guy, I got here in to get chips and i phased out. I informed him and seemed to Matt for some kind of sign that told me he believed me. Matt shrugged his shoulders.

Now my clothes are all wet.

“Dude, kick back. You can wear a couple of my shorts and i will dry your clothes. Equal for you, Matt. If you need i will dry both of your clothes collectively.
Yeah, that’s best with me.”” Matt stated. Both of them observed me to my room and got a pair of shorts and a t-blouse.

Matt went to the toilet to trade and Jakob went to the laundry room to head in advance and positioned his clothes within the dryer. I lower back to the living room and sat down on the left facet of the couch. A few moments later, Jakob lower back and sat on the other aspect. After nearly five mins, Jakob asked wherein Matt was. I said I didn’t realize.”
I’ll pass see if he fell asleep on the rest room. I laughed. I went again via my bedroom and walked up to the bathroom door, which stood slightly cracked, permitting the alternative facet to be without problems seen. Simply as I idea, he became on the bathroom. However he wasn’t asleep. He was moving but all I may want to see became a leg. I pulled the door open a touch wider, peering into the rest room.

On the rest room, Matt was sitting there stroking his dick. It was at the least 6 inches from the appears of it. I ended and my mouth dropped when I saw hime. I had by no means without a doubt seen his dick absolutely difficult before. I suggest yeah, I noticed it when we had been within the locker room showers, however that turned into nothing. He didn’t appear to word me yet an my hand went down to my semi hard on and grabbed it.

I watched Matt’s dick and how he slowly stroked it around the head and all of the way down it and again up, twisting his hand to and fro, up and down. I used to be so mesmerized I had my dick in my own hand and stroking it as nicely. Then I remembered Jakob in the residing room. I pulled my shorts again up, hiding my tough on. “Jakob,” I whispered across the dwelling room. “check this out.” I pretended to hide a laugh.

What's it? He asked.

Matt’s whacking off! I whispered loudly to him.

No manner! He were given up and snuck beside me back to the rest room door.

The door turned into nonetheless slightly open and to be had to prying eyes. “look.” I whispered and pointed.

I’m larger that that. Was all Jakob said.
What? I looked at him. “Bull.”
truely. Do you need me to prove it? He checked out me decided, like he knew he become bigger.

Prove it. I informed him. With out hesitation, Jakob stood up and pulled out his dick. He had it almost at eye stage with me. He turned and driven open the door to the toilet, giving Matt a coronary heart attack of a life time.

Arise, Matt. Jakob commanded Matt. Nonetheless out of breath from the scare, Matt stood up and held his surrender his hard dick. His face changed into a vibrant purple and he became away. “flip closer to me.” Jakob stated.

W- Why? Matt requested, his face nonetheless a coloration of red.

I’m comparing dick sizes. He grew to become Matt to stand him. Jakob took a step closer and moved matts hands, which went sheepishly over his eyes.

What's this for? Matt asked very nervously.

Because Josh doesn’t believe that my dick is greater than yours. ‘Wow, very trustworthy.’ I idea.

I checked out their dicks and they have been both placing almost touching every other. Matt’s became a terrific 7 inches and Jakob’s got here just quick of being as long as his. They both regarded exquisite. Status there both almost naked in my rest room. Their dicks were beautiful. Matt’s turned into darker than the relaxation of his skin, not too thick, and it curved barely to the proper. The top was a chunk darker than his pinkish red lips. Jakob’s, alternatively, changed into paler than the rest of his body, his dick changed into instantly and everyday, but became thicker than Matt’s.

Properly, whose is bigger? Jakob requested. I blinked some times to remind myself this become truely occurring.

Uhh, it’s difficult to tell from right here. I stood all of the way up and walked into the rest room and knelt before the 2 of them.

Getting a pleasing view? Jakob teased. I just desired to place them each in my mouth. They regarded so tasty. My head shook up and down. I subsequently spoke.

Matt’s is larger. Matt looked at me and grinned at Jakob.

Bull shit! Jakob yelled.

It’s genuine. I advised him. Jakob grabbed my shirt and subsidized me into a wall. He checked out me almost angrily, however on the same time, he didn’t study all indignant.

Whose dick is larger? He requested me, pushing himself towards me. I felt his dick graze my stomach.

Matt’s. I informed him once more. He were given even closer, pressing his dick into me. It felt appropriate. He started out pushing me with the aid of my shoulders down. While he stopped, i used to be at his chest.

I couldn’t hear you, who has the larger dick? He appeared down at me and pressed his dick into my stomach. I looked him in the eyes.


He dropped me to my knees and i fell proper in front of his dick. It became rubbing in opposition to my face. I gasped and i felt it contact my lips. I grabbed it, squeezed slightly, and appeared up at him. He didn’t say whatever, only checked out me. I couldn’t maintain myself lower back, I licked the head of Jakob’s dick and swirled my tongue round it. His dick jumped.                                                     

I took it as a good sign and put my mouth round the pinnacle and swirled my tongue up and down his tip. I slid my tongue among the slit and licked it all around. I heard Jakob moan. I driven myself down onto his dick an inch at a time. I had almost 1/2 of his dick in my mouth earlier than I felt like i might gag. He grabbed my head and driven it down similarly.
I fought in opposition to it and pulled my head back and were given a breath earlier than he pushed his dick similarly into my mouth. I cherished it. The manner his dick tasted became like heaven. It crammed my mouth and made me need even greater. I went up and down quicker with my head. I felt his head knocking into the lower back of my throat. I gagged the primary time, pulling myself again to get a breath.

I sat and appeared up at him. He had his eyes closed and become playing the blow task. I looked though his legs and noticed Matt sitting on the rest room looking me suck Jakob off and stroking his very own dick. I used to be cock-thirsty and i wanted greater. I motioned him over and grabbed his dick.

I held Jakob’s dick with one hand and Matt’s inside the different and commenced giving both of them a hand job straight away. I grew to become to Matt and that i licked his tip and licked all around his head. He tasted really sweeter that Jakob did.

I put my lips around his head and commenced arising and down on his dick. I licked around and round his head and i heard him moan heavily above me. I stroked Jakob’s dick beside me and felt his ball sack. It was hairy, but not too hairy. I fondled him softly rolling every of his balls between my hands. He had a massive set so i assumed he turned into a heavy cummer.

I centered on sucking Matt and slid my tongue around his shaft as I bobbed. He ran his hands via my hair and gripped the again of my head. He wasn’t pushing me down, but he wasn’t protecting me back either. I pulled again and stopped at his head. I swirled my tongue across the tip, getting within the slit an the stop, spreading it with my tongue and licking up and down it.

Matt’s dick jerked and he moaned again. I again and again licked up and down making him spasm. I shoved my head down onto him I felt his dick hit the returned of my throat. I didn’t gag so I driven more difficult. I felt his dick push down into my throat. I went slowly up and down till I had to tug off and breathe.        

I switched my head again over to Jakob and swallowed his dick again. I pushed it all of the manner to the lower back of my throat and just beyond it. I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me extra. I felt his dick swelling up in my throat and i pulled him until my nostril touched his pubes. I backed off and driven myself returned onto him. He moaned loudly above my.

I felt him thrust forward into my bobs so I timed it proper and were given into movement of his pulling back and me pulling returned, then him pushing into and me pushing onto. I swallowed his cock like a seasoned. I fondled his ass cheeks and pressed my finger at his hollow. I pushed myself all of the way right down to the base of Jakob’s dick and that i smelled his pubes, they smelled faintly of sweat. I grabbed his ass cheeks tighter and driven into him, taking his whole duration. I pulled again and took a deep breath. “rattling!” Jakob said. “You’re exact at this.”

First time. I stated.

Fuck yeah. He spoke back.

I want you to fuck me Jakob. I said, searching up at him. “I need you to make me your bitch. I pulled off my shorts and tossed them aside. They tossed theirs apart as nicely. My hard dick became no longer as long as either of theirs, but mine turned into in all likelihood the thickest. I gripped mine with one hand and started to deep throat Matt. I got nearly to his base earlier than I pulled off. “allow’s move back to the bed room.” I cautioned…


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For The Frist Time Sex Storie

For The Frist Time  Sex  Storie  by Thatguy120 1   Like this story   February 15, 2016   Leave a Comment First time intercourse sto...